Problem # 73 I can not get a win

Maybe I am wrong but would like to see how to win Phil

One of the stronger checkers players here may be better positioned to answer your question than I am. But I can point out an interface options you may not have seen. After you solve the problem, click ‘Other Tries’ and then ‘26-31’ next to the details button.

Then you can use the buttons under the board or the arrow keys to step through what the engine thinks should happen over the next few moves. It’s not always right, especially towards the end of the line given. And it’s not always available, typically in ‘database draws’ where it just says ‘0’. But it’s a handy tool you may not have found.

This is from KingsRow with 10-piece endgame database. The win is very long and not at all obvious at first glance.
[FEN “B:W30,29,28,K11,K5:BK27,26,23,21,K10”]

  1. 26-31 5-1 2. 31-26 1-5 {what else can White do?} 3. 26-22 11-16 4. 23-26 30x23 5. 27x18
    5-9 6. 10-15 28-24 7. 18-23 24-20 8. 21-25 16-12 9. 23-19 20-16 10. 15-10 16-11 11. 25-30
    9-13 12. 22-18 13-9 13. 30-26 11-8 14. 26-23 8-3 15. 18-15 3-8 16. 10-7 9-14 17. 7-3 14-17
  2. 23-18 17-21 19. 18-14 21-25 20. 14-10 25-21 21. 10-7 21-17 22. 7-11 8-4
    {the trap is closed} 23. 15-18 29-25 24. 19-15
    {Now with the White Kings on 4 and 12 trapped by the Black KIngs on 11 and 3, this becomes a 1st Position win with the other pieces.}
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