Problem #364 should be adjusted

Problem #364 forces Red to make a much more difficult pattern of moves.

At the beginning, 11-16 is a much better move, because White either loses a man immediately or falls for a shot that wins easily for Red. However, the problem claims that the computer likes another move better, which is not as good in my opinion.

Hmm, that’s a pity but you’re right. There’s a couple of problems here.

  1. I have not written the tools required to easily adjust problems after they are created. I can shorten them or disable them, but that’s about it so far.

  2. If I do adjust it by hand does the computer’s best line become an alternate? That seems weird. I don’t think the engine is wrong, just inhuman. I’m not claiming my generator is bug free but the engine line does seem pretty crushing.

  3. I don’t think I want to try to support multiple winning lines in a single problem. The generator is complicated enough already and I feel the point of a tactics puzzle is to find the best move, not just some winning line. I’d love to make endgame puzzles that have multiple paths but it seems weird for a tactics puzzle.

So I can disable it or keep it as is. I guess I’ll disable it for now. More puzzles are coming, lets just keep the good ones.

One other thought that makes me think about bringing the problem back.

In the game played, Labadie played 11. 11-16. But he went on to draw that endgame, so maybe it’s not as easy as it looks. Is the computer line better after all?


I just looked it up on my program and it appears that the win isn’t as easy after the shot as I thought. However, at the starting position, my program does rate 11-16 has higher (10 piece database).

After about 10 seconds, it has 11-16 at about +700 and the problem suggested 5-9 at +300, so both are clear wins once the program is able to see into the endgame database.

I’m not sure the best way to fix it. From a problem perspective, you would either want to exclude this problem all together or allow both wins to be tried by the player attempting to solve the problem.

Thanks for the help. I’ll leave it disabled.