Attempt History Screen

I find the red for incorrect answers too bright and I can hardly read the problem Id which is in light blue. The green is also really bright but easier to read. Can the colours be toned down a bit or something to make it more pleasant to look at. And easier to read

You are absolutely right, those colors were garish. And I knew it at the time but didn’t do anything about it. Thank you for reminding me, I’ve toned them down quite a bit. If you have any other suggestions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Things like this improve the site for everybody.

Thanks again.

Can you make them a bit brighter? I’m colorblind and they’re not bright enough for me to tell which one is which :sweat:, especially the red one.

Oh no! I’m sorry I broke it. I’ll setup a color blind mode or let you choose the colors directly. It won’t be this weekend but I can probably do it Monday or Tuesday. Are there other places on the site that give you trouble?

I like what you’ve done. I think the colours are superfluous. I’d be glad of black and white. It’s the information I want. It is easy to see if the answer is correct or not.

Can read it well now. Maybe black and white may help with colour blindness

Now that I’m looking for things, I never noticed the “Ouch x-y likely misses the win” was red. Tbh, I don’t really know how colourblind modes should look, never implemented something of the sort. Usually high saturation solves the problem for me, but I don’t know about specific rules to follow.
Thx for being so involved with the users :slight_smile:

@arjanboogaart I’ve done a little research but I’ll probably need your help to get this right. Here’s my first attempt. If you go to your settings page there are now a couple of color options. The default uses green for success, blue for info, and red for failure. Try the new option which uses blue for success, green for info, and yellow for failure. This should give you better contrast between the correct and incorrect answers, If not I’ll try something else.

Let me know how it goes and it you find any other site components that give you trouble.

I like the changes you’ve done. Thanks